The End of Polytheism


By Anne Doherty

One of the many factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire was the rise of Christianity. The Christian religion, which was monotheistic, ran counter to the traditional polytheistic Roman religion.  In 313 AD, Roman emperor Constantine ended persecution of Christians. Later that century, Christianity became the official state religion of the Roman Empire. This drastic change spread this relatively new religion to every corner of the Empire. By approving Christianity, the Roman state directly undermined its religious traditions. Finally, by this time, Romans considered their emperor a god, and the Christian belief in one god—who was not the emperor—weakened the authority and credibility of the emperor.

Although I recognize I'm making an incomplete analogy by comparing modern times to the fall of Rome, I do believe that we are living through another time like it, only it seems to be the fall of the western world. 

Once Christianity spread through Europe and the Americas, it was only a matter of time before people found a way to corrupt it. Of course, in the early 16th century, Martin Luther called out Rome for its corruption. With the Industrial Revolution and the rise of Communism came people opposed to any religion whatsoever.  Today, in the name of Christian principles of love, acceptance, and tolerance, the Left is asking much of the world to drop Christianity in the name of a new kind of polytheism—Wokeism.

To be Woke means to worship at the altar of the following gods:  the environment, gender “affirmation”, victimization, Black Lives Matter, abortion and more. Plus, it means you demonize the Right, white people, and Christians. 

Polytheism reflects nature. Back in Rome, there was a god for the oceans, the sky and fertility. There were gods for aspects of human nature/behavior, such as war and communication. When connected to nature and separated from science, polytheism made sense. It explained everything. But when Rome reached too far, became too technically advanced, and incorporated too many cultures, it stopped making sense.  The people in power seemed to have everything they could possibly want—except probably love, which is probably one reason why Christianity suddenly made more sense than the old ways.

Now we live in a rapidly changing world in which technology and advances in medicine are providing prosperity beyond our wildest dreams. We are bombarded by information and seduced by our own confirmation biases.  The old ways of thinking about religion don't make sense to us, so we are easily persuaded to look outside tradition. Since we have everything we want, we think we ought to be happy—and we're not. Wokeism steps in and give us people and things to blame.  However, Wokeism, unlike the polytheism of old, does not make sense in respect to nature. In fact, it twists science in the worst possible ways, with the worst being the transgender movement.

“We believe that no one should be prosecuted or persecuted for getting the care they need—including gender-affirming care,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said signing a bill into law that turned California into a gender-tourism state.  When he says "no one,” he includes children—older children alienated by the modern way of life and easily persuaded by authority figures and biased, false information, and younger children, too innocent to think for themselves. The people encouraging such tragic destruction worship gods that do not reflect nature. It’s one thing for a girl to embrace her masculine side and dress like a boy, it's another to expect science and technology to make being a boy a reality. Everyone involved in the deception knows they are lying.

Since the transgender movement tears apart families and permanently damages ignorant, or innocent children, this is an issue that parents, grandparents, and people who respect Nature itself are willing to die for. Only people who don't understand the law in places like California, and New Mexico aren't contemplating taking their children out of school. Any place which takes money from the government, even charter schools, will have to toe the woke line. As a result, parents are running for school board in record numbers and/or moving to the 12 states that have banned gender surgeries for minors or the 19 that are considering such legislation. 

And so, it's only a matter of time before this polytheistic nightmare comes to an end. Although while it’s dying, technology—AI—is going to change life and shrink the world in unpredictable ways. So what will replace Wokeism? Who knows? What matters is not whether you are Christian or not, but that your way of life is simple and consistent, and that your moral values make sense in relation to the physical world. 

“If you’re woke, it means you’re a loser,” said Donald Trump at a recent rally. “Everything Woke Turns to S__t.”,was%20polytheistic%20(many%20gods).,When%20Christianity%20became%20the%20state%20religion%2C%20the%20Church%20reduced%20the,fall%20of%20the%20Roman%20Empire.