Susan Miller

Susan Miller

After just two years, San Francisco high school ends antiracist admissions scheme for a merit based process.

Replacing the destructive policies of scarcity with policies that nurture abundance would set an example to the world.

California Assembly Judiciary Committee passes SB 2223 tagged 'The Infanticide Bill'. The 'Perinatal' Problem: Deaths of Babies After They're Born

What do the fires in New Mexico, the baby formula shortage, and Canadian euthanasia Bill C-17 have in common? They are all situations that touched me personally and were made life-threatening thanks to behemoth bureaucracies.

You may have heard that the largest fire in New Mexico-Hermit’s Peak-started as a prescribed burn. It turns out that prescribed burns are overseen by thick layers of bureaucracy, at the top of which is the Democrat land commissioner. The burns are scheduled a year in advance to allow time for the bureaucracy to churn. Apparently, the commissioner approved the burn just before it was scheduled. Angry New Mexicans are incredulous she approved it when the high winds meant certain disaster. But ask yourself: Even if she understood firefighting and knew the weather, if she didn’t sign, what would’ve been the push back from the chain of bureaucrats below her? And, if the Forest Service and the firefighters had refused to do the burn after the signature, what might have happened to them, their careers and their pensions? Below is a YouTube link to a local man who lost his land. He attacks the federal and state bureaucracies, demanding local authorities stop depending on the feds and take responsibility for the friends and neighbors they serve. He said federal fire fighters told him the fire will last until the end of July and that, as federal contractors grow rich, local folk will lose all. My daughter is working for one of those contractors. She’s making a pile, and they told her she has work through August. How did they know that in April?

The shortage of baby formula is probably one of the biggest scandals to erupt in the post-Covid political climate. Two links below explain how federal bureaucracy and regulatory capture created a situation in which there are only three baby food manufacturers and illegal aliens get formula before stores do. That one year ago the Biden administration knowingly shut down one of the only suppliers, when they could have simply recalled the product, is a criminal attack on families. There are some who ignorantly think that baby formula is unnecessary when women can just breast feed. Many women don’t produce enough milk and supplement with formula. Many babies have allergies or other needs that make formula essential for survival. Back in 1927, my grandmother didn’t produce breast milk so she hired a wet nurse for the first of her four children. Once formula became available, she fed her children herself. I inherited that trait. Without formula, my son would have starved…because, guess what, women no longer work as wet nurses. One thing I learned back then: my friends who had illegal “nannies” got free formula. I used to wonder how illegals could get formula for free. Now I know. And, since the bureaucracy frowns on the unborn, their callousness toward the just born is almost expected.

If you didn’t know that Canada has been a “right to die” country since 2015, now you do. Last year, however, Bill C-17 ensured that as “long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you might consider acceptable’, they can take advantage of what is now known euphemistically as ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID for short) for free.” It’s officially cheaper for the Canadian government to kill people in a desperate situation than to help them live through it. In fact, they have recently euthanized two women for poverty. A Canadian client of mine is in a desperate situation because her daughter has custody of an emotionally disturbed teen abandoned by his parents. My client said it took her two weeks to fill out forms to get help for this boy, who appears to be a danger to those around him. It will be more than two years before he will get help. Canadians don’t need a terminal illness to request MAID, and in 2023, anyone diagnosed with mental illness alone can request MAID. My client is the first Canadian I’ve met who sees the holes in their system. I pointed out to my client that she has unique abilities-that she knew how to fill out the forms correctly. She responded, “Few people do.” So, the bureaucrats created a system in which the isolated, uneducated, and uninitiated get some care —like birth control—effortlessly, but are left floundering for more crucial care, incentivizing self-suicide.

Massive bureaucracies exist to feed themselves. Members along the food chain care about pensions and benefits. They don’t know the people they serve…and hence lack empathy for them. So when Donald Trump began shrinking the size of bureaucracy and expecting it to act like a business, he had to go. He aroused a great monster that defends itself by blindly serving its masters. And now we know to what extent. Even if it means losing a home, a child or a less fortunate loved one, the behemoth will kill to survive.


Anne Doherty, NRWF Editor at Large

California Gov. Gavin Newsom used the mass elementary school shooting to attack Republicans over gun control, though violent crime and homicides have increased dramatically in CA.

Companies are starting to drill for lithium in the Salton Sea in Southern California, although that may not be enough to supply the growing demand for the mineral, which is crucial for the development of “green energy.”

By Anne Doherty ~~

Generations, the landmark work by William Strauss and Neil Howe, theorizes a generation cycle in American and global history. The 1992 book accurately predicted 9/11 and other major events, plus coined now commonplace terms: “millennials,” “the social war,” and others. The authors predicted that by 2020, if social pressures in the U.S. didn’t lead to civil war, some outside force or conflict would bring the country together. Remember WW II.

The assumption is that around 2020 the so-called idealist generation (the Baby Boomers) would peak in power and want to see their ideals made reality. This prediction manifested itself in the 2020 election when leftist idealists pulled every trick necessary to take the election from Donald Trump, who represented their worst nightmare—power in the hands of Conservatives—people of faith and others who believe in the American Dream.

The trouble with idealists is that they can’t be satisfied. Nothing is perfect or ever will be, so long as human beings are in charge, yet idealists demand perfection. So, it’s worth looking at what the idealists want in order to guess what it would take to end the battle.

What conservatives want is simple: the right to work, raise a family, and pray as they see fit. Underpinning these ideals is respect for life, as espoused by the Right to Life movement and found in the First and Second Amendments of the Constitution. Respect for life does not guarantee a comfortable life. Respect acknowledges that life can be a challenge, that meeting the challenge is part of the joy of living, and that each person has his own vision of success. I remember when Donald Trump visited a natural disaster site. He showed empathy to a man who had lost a home, then urged, with a twinkle, “Of course, you’re going to rebuild!” That comment epitomizes the Right’s approach to living: embrace the challenge.

Liberals, on the other hand, want no suffering. At least, that’s what they promise. No one should be offended. No one should endure pain. No one should go without healthcare. No matter what you do or whom you do it to—even if you murder someone— you should only experience comfort and ease. This idealism causes them to hate religion because they see it as a set of rules hypocrites use to cause suffering.

Idealists hate hypocrites because it’s a glimpse in the mirror. Since nothing can be perfect, all idealists engage in hypocrisy. The Right think the Left are hypocrites for promising utopia. The liberals thinks the conservatives are hypocrites for believing in a God that lets people suffer.

Conservatives acknowledge that not everyone can lift himself up by his bootstraps. That’s what neighbors, charities and churches are for—or were before Government crept into all aspects of life.

In their quest to steer the masses toward their utopian goal, liberals utilize the latest buzzwords “equity” and “justice” (racial, gender, financial, etc.). They then veer off to focus on climate change. To Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and members of his World Economic Forum, “Climate Crisis” is the world’s most pressing issue and is so vast and essential that the ends justify any means.

In a recent speech to the Danish parliament, Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky ended by saying “Europe must give up Russian oil, give up as soon as possible because it is the crazy income from energy resources that allows the Russian leadership to . . . promote hatred against other nations, against us, and destroy the lives of neighboring countries.” He tacked on the climate meme to his 2020 Davos speech as well. In short, green energy equals peace on earth.

The Strauss-Howe theory that 2020 would be a time for a unifying crisis is widely known in marketing and political circles. Therefore, the objective of the powerful would be to create a crisis or manipulate one for their idealistic aims. Thus, the amplification of competing, terrifying phenomena that prime the public to be “saved” by a unifying force: Global warming/global cooling, a “stolen”/“fair” election, Antifa “rallies”/January 6 “insurrectionism”, a Covid “pandemic”/viral outbreak, even an attack on human sexual nature.

How will it end? Despite censorship, it seems as if our technological ability to communicate quickly and broadly has allowed reality to intrude somewhat. People are speaking up. Mandates are falling. Parents have begun to defend their children. Even the threat of World War III seems less likely. NATO leaders may sense their citizens won’t die for ideals no one is sure are real. After all, perfection does not belong to any one of us, but to that which is greater than all of us. The liberals can seek utopia all they like; the only constant human reality is change.

Who said the following? Biden, Trump, Obama or Putin?

“Society is wondering whether [the] monopolism [of multinational tech companies] meets public interests. Where is the border between successful global business, in-demand services and big data consolidation, and the attempts to manage society at one’s own discretion and in a tough manner, replace legal democratic institutions and essentially usurp or restrict the natural right of people to decide for themselves how to live, what to choose and what position to express freely?”

This is a quote from a fascinating speech by Vladimir Putin to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2021 (link to transcript below). The WEF was founded by Swiss academic Klaus Schwab in the ‘70s and since then has expanded to an annual event in Davos, Switzerland attended by 2- to 3000 invited “elites,” including business leaders (Bill Gates and tech giants), world leaders (Trump spoke to them, too. Link below) economists, and celebrities. Their purpose is “tackling the world’s greatest challenges,” of which Climate Change is undoubtedly their favorite, but which includes everything from quantum computing to promoting LGBTQ rights. (For a partial list, see the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution—link below.) According to the WEF website, the WEF is in the “next phase of its journey as the global platform for public-private cooperation” (that is, big government in cahoots with big corporations.)

Putin spoke at Davos immediately after he and Biden signed “The New START” which limits the size of the two countries’ strategic nuclear arsenals. Similar to other world leaders’ speeches, the subtext is what Putin wants or needs to stay in power. And he is fairly direct. Beginning with comparing the economic advancement of developing nations to developed western nations, he showed that while hundreds of millions of individuals in developing nations (Russia and China) saw their purchasing power increase, individuals in developed nations (the US, the EU) actually saw decreases. Between 2000 and 2016, more than two million Americans sank into poverty while the cost of education and health skyrocketed. He cited figures of uneducated and unemployed young adults worldwide. He implies the fault lies with multi-national tech companies for fomenting unrest and controlling their “audience” with propaganda.

He fears: “Unresolved and mounting internal socioeconomic problems may push people to look for someone to blame for all their troubles and to redirect their irritation and discontent. We can already see this. We feel that the degree of foreign policy propaganda rhetoric is growing.”

Was he referring to the 2016 election and the extent to which he was blamed, and the Russia hoax which crippled Trump’s ability to interact with him? And is he also speaking of the tech promoted propaganda surrounding Wokism?

He goes on: “We can expect the nature of practical actions to also become more aggressive, including pressure on the countries that do not agree with a role of obedient controlled satellites, use of trade barriers, illegitimate sanctions and restrictions in the financial, technological and cyber spheres.” Here, he’s not referring to countries exerting these pressures, but the multi-national corporations . . . that is, the members of Davos.

Then comes the threat: “Such a game with no rules critically increases the risk of unilateral use of military force. The use of force under a far-fetched pretext is what this danger is all about. This multiplies the likelihood of new hot spots flaring up on our planet. This concerns us.” By “game with no rules,” he means multi-national tech companies, which, unlike nations, don’t abide by treaties. He says they “are not just some economic giants. In some areas, they are de facto competing with states. Their audiences consist of billions of users that pass a considerable part of their lives in these ecosystems.” These corporations issue demands—policies over Climate Change or LGBTQ rights, for example—and expect nations to comply.

So Putin is saying that Davos folk are making it hard to run his country, and that he will retaliate if he’s pushed too far. Putin is ruthless, and he’s also a realist. If all of the above threatens his power—and if NATO encroaches on his territory, he promised to come out swinging. Are we surprised he did?

On the WEF website, “Davos stands with Ukraine.” But how are the “elites” supporting the defense of Ukrainians? Or, are they set to build wealth from instability and collapse? It seems the Ukrainian people are pawns in a “game with no rules.” In fact, it feels like the entire world is victim to the “Davos Agenda”—with its attempt to control its billions through Covid-19 and Climate Change policies, and now rampant inflation and the threat of global conflict.

Incidentally, at Trump’s Davos speech, Trump indirectly addressed the same points Putin did—by boasting he was turning those threats around, that he had created jobs, and returned pride and purpose to the American people. No wonder he had to be stopped.

California appeals court rules San Francisco cannot ban tenderloin drug dealers. City deciding whether or not to appeal.

Many gun control bills are moving through the legislature. Read about them here. For updates,

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